Lately, I've spent a lot of time thinking about what "a friend" really is. I've had my fair share of ridiculous run-ins with so-called "friends" in my short 22 years of living. Unfortunately I've found myself forming close relationships with people who are really nothing more than flakes and users. Oh, and liars. I know one too many liars.
I tend to think the most of people when I first meet them. I forget that it's possible that a lot of the time, people are only looking out for themselves. This is the opposite of the way my mind works; I generally am so nice that I end up getting walked all over. In fact I played a game recently with some friends (see, oftentimes we don't even REALIZE we use the term friend so loosely. But these really were "friends".) where cards were read aloud with simple, personal questions on them that everyone had to answer. One of the questions asked was, "What is one quality about yourself you wish you could change." My response was, "I wish I wasn't so nice to my friends. Maybe then I wouldn't get used all the time."
I've found that the people who I don't know so well in the beginning, are the same people that years later, have become my best friends. My theory is, if you don't try hard, a natural bond develops. I love and hate this idea. I hate this because, the harder I seem to try with friends, the more I seem to get hurt. I love it because I truly believe the idea that, "By small and simple things, are great things come to pass." And because, "Despite everything, I believe that people really are good at heart."
I don't want every post on here to detail run-ins with negative people. So I'll switch gears and express my gratitude for the people in my life who are the epitome of "good friends."
This post is dedicated to the friend who calls, emails or texts me just as I am needing to talk to someone. To that friend who recognizes when I am in pain. Who sits and talks with me on my bed for no reason at all. The friend who folds my laundry because they know about the terrible day I have had, and refuses to stop when I ask them to. The friend who takes me out to distract me from the problems I am facing.
This post is dedicated to the friend who includes me in and makes me feel like part of their family. The friend who is simply honest because it's the right thing to do. The friend who hangs out until all hours of the night, talking about nothing. To the friend who realizes and understands that friendship, isn't just a convenience. The friend who opens their home. To the friend who knows exactly what I need to hear.
"Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
Thanks to all my friends.
1 comment:
it's late, i'm creepin but i love your blog and this post. we are one in the same friend (not used loosely) i will for now and ever more be an adamant follower of this blog :)
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