Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I forgot to mention, I've been published! Click on over to read my guest post in the Look at Book series!

Also, have a great day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It occurs to me that maybe no one reads this blog. I've come to the sincere conclusion that I just don't care. Sometimes you're just sitting there, and you just need to vent. I however have talked everyone's ear off in the last while, and I'd rather just type my guts out at this point.

I'm still dealing with frustration; more frustration than I ever predicted possible. And then for the last few weeks, I have been dealing with bronchitis. Which, while minor, is taking my frustration level to an entirely new level. Nothing adds to the excitement of life like an illness. Especially one where you find yourself coughing the most disgusting cough ever possible. However, things could be much worse. A few people have commented recently and said (of my situation) "...and how could things possibly get worse?" Immediately after this sentence I find the nearest piece of wood and knock on it. There's actually no doubt in my mind that things could be worse, and I am grateful for the many things in my life that are simply...great.


Music in ALL its forms.
These 6 goobers.

Chips and Salsa.
      Discovering RIDICULOUS movies.
Continuing traditions

Finding new places to eat in DC

                                                           Ellen comes on at 3...                                                                                                                                                              
                                              ...and Oprah comes on at 4
 Have no fear, there are about a billion other things on my list.

Today my mind (for whatever reason) has been remembering a quote from one of my favorite movies, Dan in Real Life, and I've been playing it back in my mind over and over:

“Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should
 tell them to plan to be surprised.”     

I've been really learning that while there is a whole lot to plan for in this little thing called life, we will more often than not be quite surprised at the way things turn out with those plans. The thing about a surprise is that it could potentially have a good or bad connotation. I'd like to think however that there is a little good in each surprise. If we take and hold on to that which is good, we will definitely be able to get through whatever is thrown our way.